Corporate Talent Pool, LLC
An Authorized Strategic Partner with Profiles International, Inc.

Our assessments and services are used to maximize the effectiveness of your employees. With these services, you can also calculate your ROI as you select, hire, develop, promote, and retain the right employee. Assessment Tools for the Workplace
Our selection tools include:
- Pre-employment Integrity/Work Ethic/Reliability!
- Sales indicator information and Coaching!
- Customer Service Knowledge, Skills, Behavior and Training!
- Management Development and Coaching!
- Personality Assessment for Increased Motivation!
- Team Analysis!
- 360 degree Peer Review Feedback for Performance Reviews!
Over 35,000 companies rely on Profile’s Assessment tools for selection, coaching, and maximizing human capital. The more you know about your people, the better you can impact your top and bottom lines!
Our Assessment Center offers you internet assessment capability with instant results in a user-friendly system! We can have you set up, trained today, and assessing tomorrow! In depth, face-to-face training is also available.
Call or email us and let’s work together to improve your greatest asset… people!
Some of our assessments include:
Step One Survey (integrity and work ethic)
Profiles Performance Indicator
Profiles Workforce Compatibility (boss and subordinate compatibility)
Services that we also provide include:
Executive Coaching
Management Development
Contact us for package information and details about these services.